VECO Ultra Plus
Modern, multi-seasonal mineral oil designed for four-stroke petrol engines. It can also be used for Diesel car and van engines. It maintains very good exploitation properties in varied working conditions.
meets the requirements
API SL/SM/SN/CF ACEA A5/B5-10 (2010),
A5/B5-08 (2008),
A3/B4-10 (2010),
A3/B4-08 (2008) VW 502.00/505.00 MB 229.1,
MB 229.3,
MB 229.5 Opel GM-LL-A-025,
Opel GM-LL-B-025 BMW Longlife 01 Porsche Renault RN0700,
Product | Kinematic viscosity at temp. 100 °C [mm2/s] |
Flash point [°C] |
Pour point, [°C] |
SAE15W40 | 14,5 | 235 | -30 |