VECO Syntex Power 5W30
Highest quality, synthetic, multi-season engine oil designed for newest generation four-stroke petrol and Diesel engines equipped with DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) used in moderate and harsh operating conditions.
meets the requirements
API SN/SM/CF ACEA A3/A5/B4/B5-08 ACEA C2/C3 - 12 MB 229.31 / 229.51 VW 502.00/505.00/505.01 BMW LL-04 Opel Dexos 2 RN 0700 PSA B71 2290 Porsche A40
name |
Kinematic viscosity
at temp. 100 °C [mm2/s] |
Flash point, [°C] | Pour point [°C] |
SAE 5W30 | 11 | 230 | -51 |